January 27, 2012 Bo

S.T.A.R. News & Events

Here are S.T.A.R.’s upcoming exciting events:

February 11, 2012

Join the STAR Teens as we explore the and capture the world. A whole night of fun, great food and much more at the largest Laser Tag facility in LA. 

February 20, 2012

STAR kids will be having a full day of fun in the snowiest part of LA. Sledding, Snow ball fights, great food and much much more. 


This Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat: Bo

Candle Lighting: 5:01pm
Shabbat Ends: 6:04pm

Torah Messag


I’m Being Watched!

"And G-d said to Moshe, ‘Come to Pharaoh…’ " (10:1)

Have you ever had the feeling that you are being watched? Have you ever felt that your every move is being scrutinized?

I’m not just asking those of you who have the misfortune to live in a police state. (Mind you, if you live in a police state, I doubt that the authorities are sufficiently magnanimous to allow you online access.) No. I’m addressing this to all of us whose most intimate contact with Big Brother was in a novel by George Orwell.

Have you ever felt that you are being watched? Do you feel that, as you are reading these words, right now, you are being investigated?

If the answer to these questions is no, then you’re in trouble.

Before you write to the editor of this august publication and suggest that he send the present writer on an extended South Sea cruise (chance would be a fine thing!), or call for those nice smiling men in their white coats – let me explain what I mean.

The phrase "the fear of Heaven" to our Anglo-Saxon ears sounds extremely archaic. It sounds like something out of the mouth of a street-corner gospel preacher, ranting his heart out to indifferent passers-by. We may be frightened by many things: that the dollar may go up; that the that the dollar may go down; that thieves may break into our homes; that we may contract some terrible malady. We may even be frightened that the supermarket will have sold out of our favorite dog food, but ‘the fear of Heaven’ is something very far from our hearts.

But, quite simply, the fear of Heaven means the feeling that you are being watched.

Try this experiment. Think for one moment that G-d is watching you. That’s right. Right now. G-d is watching your every move. In great detail. Think that G-d is right here, right now. Now, with that in mind, change the way you’re sitting or standing. Just a little.

What you just did was to show the fear of Heaven.

"And G-d said to Moshe, ‘Come to Pharaoh…’ "

Notice that the Torah doesn’t say, "Go to Pharaoh". Rather, it says, "Come to Pharaoh." Why?

There’s no such thing as "going" from G-d. G-d fills the world. There is nowhere where He is not. No place can exist if He is not there. You can’t "go" from G-d. Therefore the expression "Come to Pharaoh" is more apt because it also means, "Come – and I will go with you."

  • Source: The Kotzker Rebbe



Rabbi M. Weiss                                                  Rabbi Y. Sakhai

Community News


Em Habanim Congregation

Weekly Parashat Hashavua class with Rabbi Joshua Bittan on Wednesdays at 8:30pm for more info. visit www.emhabanim.com

Sephardic Temple:

Talmud Torah and Youth Havadalah and Movie Nite will return in January after the completion of the remodel of the new Alcana Youth Lounge. Watch for upcoming dates and info!

Get Well Soon


We urge the whole community and all the jews around the world to pray for two 16 year old boys that were in a tragic accident. May hashem grant them a full Refuah Shelema and may he grant their families patience and nachat, Amen. 

Ariel Menachem Chayim ben Miryam & Daniel ben Sara

We wish a speedy recovery for all the Jews that may need it where ever they may be and especially for:

Em Habanim:

Max Barchichat From Sephardic Temple: Al Azus,Buena Angel,
Elaine Leon,Itzchak Rachmanony

From S.T.A.R.:

Mordechai Chaim Ben Chana, Chaim Ben Buena,
Meshulam Dov Ben Chana Sarah

Bracha Eliza Bat Ehteram, Bracha Sara Chaya Bat Ronit,
Donna Devora bat Sara 

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