July 8th, 2011, Shabbat Parshat Balak

S.T.A.R. News & Events

Here are S.T.A.R.’s upcoming exciting events:

July 15-17, 2011 Summer Teen retreat to San Diego, Ca. Join the S.T.A.R. teens and other teens flying from Paris on this magnificent and fun filled event. For more info. and application
Click on the link above. SOLD OUT!!!!

This Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat: BALAK

Candle Lighting: 7:50pm
Shabbat Ends: 8:51pm


Torah Message

Each year millions of dollars, and thousands of hours are invested by Jewish foundations, hoping to ensure the continuous growth of the Jewish People and fight the wave of assimilation and intermarriage. Programs ranging from youth trips to Israel and holocaust curriculums to innovative outreach centers and advanced educational seminars are all an important part of this noble and G-dly endeavor.

The section of the Torah we read this week gives us, perhaps, the most potent prescription through which each of us can participate in this effort.

A man named Bilaam is hired by a Moabite King to curse the Jewish People. Yet instead of curses, the following words leave his mouth:

“How shall I curse those whom G-d has not cursed? How can I invoke wrath when G-d isn’t angry?”

Why was this nation immune from G-d’s curses and wrath? Bilaam continues:

“Because from their beginning, I see them as mountain peaks, and I behold them as hills. It is a nation that will dwell alone, and does not reckon with the nations.”

As is the nature of poetic prose, these words are (also) allegoric. Our sages tell us that “mountain peaks” are an allusion to our Patriarchs and the “hills” refer to our Matriarchs.

The secret of our nation’s survival and our ability to withstand the “influence and schemes” of the Bilaams of the generations, is our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Jewish fathers and mothers who instill within their children the sense that they are a nation whose destiny is to dwell alone. Parents who teach their children that “a nation who dwells alone” is not a curse; it’s not a blight which we must try to overcome. It is a blessing.


Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi M. Weiss                                                                                                       Rabbi Y. Sakhai

Community News

Em Habanim Congregation

Weekly Parashat Hashavua class with Rabbi Joshua Bittan on Wednesdays at 8:30pm for more info. visit www.emhabanim.com

Sephardic Temple:

Talmud Torah registration for the new school year 2011/2012 is ongoing throughout the summer!

Mark your calendars:
Saturday, November 5th, 2011 A Gal celebration honoring the 2011 Sephardic Heritage award recipients Mr. Larry Clumeck and Dr. Samuel Newman.
For more info. visit sephardictemple.org

Get Well Soon

We wish a speedy recovery for all the Jews that may need it where ever they may be and especially for:

From Sephardic Temple:

Sally Galante, Ned Nik
Buena Angel, Harry Cohen
Elaine Leon,Itzchak Rachmanony

From S.T.A.R.:

Mordechai Chaim Ben Chana, Chaim Ben Buena,
Meshulam Dov Ben Chana Sarah
Bracha Eliza Bat Ehteram, Bracha Sara Chaya Bat Ronit

Mazal Tov

From Nessah Israel Synagogue:

Parents Simon and Melissa Etehad on the arival of their NEW Baby GIRL.

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July 1, 2011 Shabbat Parashat Chukat


S.T.A.R. News & Events

Here are S.T.A.R.’s upcoming exciting events:

July 15-17, 2011 Summer Teen retreat to San Diego, Ca. Join the S.T.A.R. teens and other teens flying from Paris on this magnificent and fun filled event. For more info. and application
Click on the link above.

This Shabbat

Shabbat / Rosh Chodesh Parashat: CHUKAT

Candle Lighting: 7:50pm
Shabbat Ends: 8:53pm

Torah Message

Summer is an enjoyable time when our lives slow down a bit (for most of us, that is).

Judaism teaches us that everything can and should be utilized to serve our Creator and fulfill our mission on earth. The slower pace of summer life is a prime example. These months can be utilized productively to absorb a bit more ‘Jewish sun’ — in a relaxed and fun-filled way.

Here are a few ideas that I hope can help you enhance your summer and add some more Jewish flavor:

Enjoy some Jewish Reading:

The summer is an opportune time to pick up a Jewish book. There is surely an area of Jewish life that you’d like to explore in greater detail and — no doubt — there’s a book written on the topic. Feel free to search for a wide selection of Jewish books. There’s surely something there tailor-made for you.

Add Judaism to your Travel Itinerary:

One of the great feelings of being Jewish is experiencing being a part of the global Jewish community. So if you’re traveling somewhere this summer, make a conscious effort to look up the local Jewish community and join in on a service, take a tour, join a class. There’s an instant sense of camaraderie, regardless of how many miles away from home you might be.

Get to know your Rabbi and Rabbanit:

The slower pace of the summer months is a wonderful time for us and our wives to spend more time with all the wonderful people in our Jewish community. So even if you’re not a regular in the synagogue or on S.T.A.R. Programs, please send us an email — we’d love to do coffee or join together for a BBQ!

Wishing you and your family a most wonderful healthy summer!

Shabbat Shalom!



Rabbi M. Weiss                                                                                                      Rabbi Y. Sakhai

Community News

Em Habanim Congregation

Weekly Parashat Hashavua class with Rabbi Joshua Bittan on Wednesdays at 8:30pm for more info. visit www.emhabanim.com

Get Well Soon

We wish a speedy recovery for all the Jews that may need it where ever they may be and especially for:

From Sephardic Temple:
Sally Galante, Ned Nik
Buena Angel, Harry Cohen
Elaine Leon

From S.T.A.R.:
Mordechai Chaim Ben Chana, Chaim Ben Buena,
Meshulam Dov Ben Chana Sarah
Bracha Eliza Bat Ehteram, Bracha Sara Chaya Bat Ronit

Mazal Tov

From Sephardic Temple

Parents Pantea and Alex Beroukhim And Grandparents Fari and Hamid Yashar and Guity and David Beroukhim on the arival of their NEW Baby BOY.

From Em Habanim

Mazal Tov to Yamin and Nogah Azoulay On the birth of their New Baby GIRL!
Mazal Tov to Johnathan Bitton on his Ba-Mitzvah!
Congratulations to Chantal Ifrah on receiving an official commendation from the City of Los Angeles !


Em Habanim Congregation

There will be a Hazkara service for Albert Bouzaglou Z’L on July 7th, 2011. Mincha at 7:30pm followed by a Seuda.
Memorial services will be held on Friday morning at Mount Sinai Memorial Park at 8:00am May his Nesham have an Aliyah.

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